About Us


Logitech International provides a wide variety of Connectors, Terminals, Relays, MOV, IC’s, Tantalum Capacitors, SMD Active and Passive Components used in various applications & industry verticals; including Automotive, Railway, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Defence, Industrial, Networking and Medical, to name a few.

Your trusted electronic component importer and stockist situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Since its inception in 1994, we have been committed to the trading and importation of a broad assortment of high quality parts, such as integrated circuits, connectors, SMD components,
microcontrollers, and more.
As Tyco – Amp’s authorized distributors, we’re dedicated to offering authentic parts that adhere to the highest standards. Our knowledgeable team is prepared to help you discover the appropriate components and to provide technical guidance so that your demands are immediately and successfully addressed.
We appreciate you choosing LOGITECH International as your trustworthy supplier of electronic parts. Your pleasure is our first priority, and we’re here to provide perfection for your electrical tasks. For questions, orders, and excellent customer service, get in touch with us.

Our Vision

Being the top supplier of cutting-edge electrical components on the planet, promoting seamless integration across a range of industries, and promoting the wide adoption of sustainable energy solutions are some of our goals.

Our Mission

To empower innovation and connectivity through reliable electrical components, fostering technological advancements that electrify a sustainable future.